
Transform your passion for reading into the ability to produce prose worthy of public recognition. Whatever your genre of preference, be it literary fiction, nonfiction, or the likes of fantasy, mystery or romance – you will have the opportunity to hone your creative writing skills and discover the techniques seminal writers have used to significant effect:

  • push your creative boundaries and give shape to a strong and original creative voice
  • expand your knowledge of the literary canon and acquire the art of reading as a literary writer 
  • gain an in-depth knowledge of structure which will help you towards a deeper understanding of your writing process 
  • become conversant with a range of textual elements such as the use of dialogue, point of view, perspective and sensory detail and apply learned technique to your preferred writing genre 
  • take your place within the international creative writing community. Critique the work of others and engender the view of published writers as colleagues from who you can learn 
  • develop your practice as a creative writer, understand the editing and re-drafting process necessary to produce prose of a publishable standard.
  • The Writer's Craft (30 credits)
  • Writing the short story (30 credits)
  • Writing from Life (30 credits)
  • Writing the novel (30 credits)
  • The Writer's Portfolio (60 credits)

Entry Requirements



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  • University University of Hull
  • Category School of Languages
  • Intake January, May and September
  • Duration two years (part-time)
  • Level Undergraduate
  • Fees £10,600
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